Are you interested in widening your skillset and qualifications within your career? Perhaps you have thought about enrolling on a course to achieve a NESTA Fitness Nutrition Coach Certification to become a qualified and skilled health or nutrition coach. Before you decide what you are going to do, there are some important considerations you need to make. To help you out, we are going to look at some of these considerations.
You Want To Develop Your Own Business that Focuses on Wellness but Doesn’t Provide Direct Coaching
The first consideration you need to make may sound like something very counterintuitive. Why would you go through the process of achieving health coaching certification if you were not going to coach anyone? However, there is a growing trend of people right now looking to get health coaching to develop a firm and robust background in health and nutrition, so they can use it for other business interests and career pursuits.
If you looked at cookbooks to the back page, you may be interested to see how many authors of these actually have certificates and qualifications as health and nutrition coaches. Other things you may be interested in doing include designing and producing digital or even physical health-related or nutrition-based products or hosting wellness retreats.
You Are Interested in Having a Lasting and Positive Impact On Other People’s Lives and Want to Create a Career From It
One reason why many enrol in health and nutrition coaches because they really want to have a positive impact on people’s lives and help them to reach goals. It’s obviously a big bonus and enticing that you can do that and also make good money doing it. The difference you need to be aware of at this point though is that you would not be a clinical nutritionist or dietician. You wouldn’t be authorized to give medical advice, order tests through labs or prescribe clients with medicines and treatments.
Health coaches are essentially a similar thing to life coaches, with a heavy slant towards wellness. It is your job to be inspirational, motivational and give them a degree of accountability that your clients might not get from healthcare.
You Are Interested In Improving the Health and Nutrition of You and Your Family
Some people actually do not take on health coaching courses and obtain certificates to establish a business. Many in fact, do so to learn how to better their own health and understanding of nutrition as well as that of their families. Therefore, if you are not really sure if you want a specific business or career out of it, you may still wish to benefit from getting Nesta Certified just with the view of increasing personal development.
So, if you have been toying with the idea of working towards a Nesta certification of some kind, we hope we have given you some things to consider. There is obviously no right or wrong choice, as you need to work out what’s best for you. We are sure, though, if you do take the time to do this, you will experience huge amounts of benefits.